The information presented on our website is for informational purposes only, is not complete, and does not contain material information about investments offered by Swiftsure Securities, including important disclosures relating to the risks, fees, expenses, liquidity restrictions, and other terms of investing with Swiftsure. It does not constitute an offering of securities or limited partner interests.Any investment with Swiftsure Securities is suitable only for certain qualified investors that fully understand the risks of such an investment. Additional detailed information will be made available to qualified investors upon request. A Swiftsure representative is prepared to discuss the methodology and assumptions employed by the firm and to furnish additional information.The information on this site is intended to be made available only to persons in the United States and only to persons in US jurisdictions where Swiftsure Securities is registered as a broker-dealer. The firm is currently registered in the following states: AZ, CA, CO, ID, IL, MA, MN, NY, OR, TX, WA.Nothing contained in this website shall be considered a solicitation to buy or an offer to sell any securities or limited partnership interest, or any other product or service, to any person in any jurisdiction where such offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the laws of such jurisdiction. Download Business Continuity NoticeDownload Customer Identification PolicyDownload Swiftsure Privacy Policy
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